Happy New Year!
It is nearly the end of January 2025

- phew! Where has the year gone already!

But before the year continues on its merry

way, we wanted to thank the many

donors, corporates and individuals who

gave so generously during the Christmas

period and enabled our children to have

such a fun time.
The Hearts of Hope staff were also treated to a Christmas staff party at the end of last year, held at Fixies Cafe, Bryanston. It was a fun afternoon with many laughs and even dancing! The food was scrumptious and loved by all.
January 2025 was the start of another busy schooling year for Hearts of Hope.

There are 38 children, aged from 14 months to 6 years old at our own ECD centre, Wendywood Develpment Centre. 

There are 11 children in Grade 1 and Grade 2 at Wendywood Primary School. 

And then two girls in Grade 3 and Grade 5 at Delta Park School.

You can only imagine what the organisation and logistics have to be each morning to get all the children to the right places at the right time!

On our wishlist for 2025 is a transporter to make life easier for Bra Joe and the other drivers in the morning. At the moment, 3 Hearts of Hope cars and 2 different outsourced transport are carrying the children to school!

If anyone can help in this regard,

please contact Debbie on info@heartsofhope.co.za



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